Population Graphs Swift Edition

A short description of the post.


Center for Environmental Studies


March 3, 2021

So this spring, I’m going to make a large push at porting over the population graphs analyses (Dyer & Nason 2004) that I have in R to a version that runs as a native app on iOS/MacOS. The long-term goals here are to leverage the upcoming advances in Augmented Reality and LiDAR at the phone/glasses level that I suspect will be more mainstream by 2023 or so.

Big Picture

So, in the long run, I’m looking to have a set of software that can do the following:

  • Estimate a population graph from genotype data.
  • Visualize the graph in either 2D (SpriteKit), 3D (SceneKit), or in AR (ARKit).
  • Comprehensive set of network-based analytical output for local (node- and edge- centric) as well as global parameters.
  • Overlay spatial network on GeoTiff for prevalence/avoidance of features.
  • Chromosome walking - Use engine to analyze how population covariance changes along stretches of chromosomes from SNP-like data.
  • Population Simulation - Develop stochastic simulation background that is visualized using dynamical population graphs for hypothesis testing, where we specify a model and