Here is some interesting data coming out of the Baja Araptus attenuatus project. We looked at methylation variation, localized within the genome and compared the amount of among-population variation present. The underlying idea here is that in insects, methylation is more often encountered in coding regions, and has been shown in many cases to be influencing phenotype.
So, the questions we are looking at are:
- Is there spatial genetic variation in the methylation ‘loci’? If not, methylation may not be useful in the search for adaptive variance.
- If there is variation, does it mimic the spatial structure found in nucleotide-based markers?
- If some fraction of methylation loci, say p, do contain spatial structure then it means that these methylation patterns are inherited and can be used to help reconstruct neutral history.
- The rest of the methylation structure, say 1-p, can be considered as being due to processes that operate at a time scale that does not capture recent demographic processes. These would be the ones we are most interested in looking at for evidence of local adaptation, right?